Senin, 29 April 2013


Nama      : Nike Aprianti
Npm        : 24210978
Kelas      : 3eb10

contoh soal TOEIC
1.       First quarter  revenue…….$45.1 billion from $44.7 billion a year earlier.
Rose to/increased/declined from/expanded at
2.       Commercial builders downplayed…a  bust in the superheated housing market.
Concerning/the concern of/concerned that/concerns about
3.       All the orders got…….on schedule.
Delivered/delivering/to deliver/to be deliver
4.       He is  excited about the new promotion and looking forward to…..more responsible.
Taking in/taking on/take on/getting up
5.       ……the end off year result were published, the managers got their bonuses.
6.       My line manager wants the meeting ……immediately.
To arrange/arrange/arranged/be arranged
7.       Strong exports…….in driving first-quarter growth, rising 35 percent from a year earlier.
Instrumental/played a big role/played a hand/efectively
8.       While the stock…..the staff worked in the evenings.
Has been checked/was checked/check/was being checked
9.       The report showed that overall prices are up 3.1 percent …..12 month.
Since the last/during the last/in the following/periodically over
10.   The executives pointed to immigration…..the biggest drivers of the domestic market.
As leading/rather than/as one of/resulting in
11.   The flight arrives ….Tokyo in three hours.
12.   The new law will encourage growth in the export market……..
Possible/next year/in fact/sometimes
13.   The company expects to see……breakeven and a 15 cent a share loss in the second quarter.
Approximately/more than/more or less/somewhere between
14.   The software developers……investigated the latest problem.
Have already/are just/still/have yet
15.   Property taxes…..about 40 percent of the overall tax revenue the state collects.
Account for/make/are at least/are raised by

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